This is a man with very long Eyelashes that Make Women Jealous

This is a man with very long Eyelashes that Make Women Jealous

Girl Style - Women are definitely made with Eyelash envy men origin Ukraine.

Valery Smagliy eyelashes are so long and bushy. Eyelashes are ready to be registered enter the Guinness Book of Records.

The current length of eyelashes about 3 cm.

Men 58 years it claimed to be able to get those really long eyelashes after he changed diets.

Smagliy else got surprised with the effect of the food he eats can make eyelashes grow quickly.

However, Smagliy does not want to uncover foods that make long eyelashes.

"I'm starting to eat something and realize that my eyes quickly grow feathers. I think that this is related to marketing, so I won't give you the secret, "said Smagliy to the media.

Smagliy admitted, everyone who sees it is definitely looking towards eyelashes first.

He added, many women who envy with long natural eyelashes.

"Both men and women and many people don't pay attention whenI'm talking because they only see the feathers in my eyes," said Smagliy.

Even though he has now become famous thanks to the eyelashes, butSmagliy does not want to defend it again.

Further Smagliy revealed that the eyelashes too long that feels heavy on eyelids and make him sick.

"And I'm so hard to see well with large and long eyelashes in front ofmy eyes," he added.

According to Smagliy, he should be able to break the record. But for him it is not important than comfort and health.

"I choose to be able to see better. I'm planning to trim the fur to my eyes in a professional salon and the results definitely still look good after that, "said the man who lived in Ukraine it is.

According to the Guinness Book of Records the longest eyelashes, recorded with long 6.99 cm which is owned by the Stuart Muller.

Uniquely, the most long eyelashes are on the top of the left eye.

#This is a man with very long Eyelashes that Make Women Jealous