The face of this woman Not Shaped After Flushing the liquid Acid by his friend who envy

The face of this woman Not Shaped After Flushing the liquid Acid by his friend who envy
The face of this woman Not Shaped After Flushing the liquid Acid by his friend who envy

Girl Style - Get a dream job would have been so much fun and can't wait to be able to start a career in the field preferred.

So is felt by the woman named Kanwal Qayyum.

A Pakistani woman was very joy when knowing that he accepted to bea stewardess on one of the airline.

Unfortunately, the bad luck on him before he began his journey as a stewardess.

After the new job accepted Kanwal, he told this to one of his friend.

Apparently, people are considered as friends is in fact Kanwal enemymost perverse.

Envy with good fortune acquired Kanwal, his friend anarchist actions highly abusive.

In the evening, when his friend was asleep, Kanwal flush liquid sulfuric acid into the face of a woman 27 years.

The chemical ingredient that is of course very hard facial injureKanwal.

His face was smooth became immaterial.

The entire skin of her face is mangled, the shape of her eyes became structured, neither with his nose had changed shape.

Kanwal has been getting the operation in parts of the face and neck.

At first, the shape of his nose as it melts, however, it has gained somereconstruction in parts of his face.

Beauty doctor named Asim Shahmalak also little helped him to refinethe shape of Hina becomes more proportional.

Free of charge, Dr. Shahmalak gave two new permanent eyebrows are grown from the original hair Kanwal.

Dr. Shahmalak already often deal with patients with very severe facialwounds.

He was concerned with the fate of the woman with a face that is not perfect it is.

That was the push doctor 53 years was to help women who have the same experience with Kanwal.

Dr. Shahmalak has issued about 50 thousand pounds or approximately USD 1 billion of his personal money to handle about six women who suffer from disabilities face severe enough.

In addition, the doctor also Kanwal ever helped a Pakistani girl namedAsthma Fayyaz whose face becomes broken after accidentally coveredwith boiling water.

Girl of 23 years was getting a transplant of eyebrows and eyelashes.

So too with Mona Bhatti provided the transplant eyebrows after he doused with the liquid acid on the roadside.

Mona ' attacked ' time because he wasn't welcome in their surroundings after he underwent the operation turn of gender from man into woman.

#The face of this woman Not Shaped After Flushing the liquid Acid by his friend who envy