Special shampoos for hair that has been in the paint

Special shampoos for hair that has been in the paint

Girl Style - Coloring hair is normal for every woman.

Need special care for hair that is in the paint.

Using a regular shampoo is not able to care for the hair to its full potential.

For home care, we recommend using a special shampoo for colored hair.

Colored hair shampoo-protein food requires containing protective colour.

Shampoo specially formulated for coloured hair make rough hair cuticles become softer and prevents hair color fade.

Add more conditioner at the ends of the hair at a time when shampooing.

Rinse until clean because the rest of the shampoos and conditioners sticking can attract dirt and make the hair difficult to set up.

The conditioner is able to prevent the ends of the hair are broken caused by hair dye.

Colored hair should also be protected from sunlight.

Not only to prevent dry hair, but also to maintain the hair color last longer.

Don't forget to always use conditioner containing sunscreen if activityunder the Sun in quite a long time.

Now this special shampoo hair that is dyed too was already very much.

For example some products from makarizo, kerastase and l'Oreal have already issued many special shampoo hair in paint.

#Special shampoos for hair that has been in the paint